A Contemplation On Bliss (Gene Key 58)
Harmonie Session 1:
A contemplation on Bliss (Gene Key 58)
Welcome to the Harmonie Sessions. Join in discussions around Human Design, Gene keys, brand strategy, brand archetypes, basically all things connected to creating harmony in our lives and brands.
Join me this season as I move through the Gene Keys Golden Path.
This Harmonie Session is a stream of conscious contemplation of the I Ching Hexagram 58, also known as Gene Key 58 and gate 58 in human design. Listen, watch or read along.
Richard Rudd, the founder of The Gene Keys, describes the 58th Gene Key as the path from the shadow of dissatisfaction to bliss, through the gift of vitality. The 58th Gene Key is my life’s work in the Gene Keys Golden Path.
I think about 58 as the part of me that has felt this insatiable hunger my entire life. This feeling is connected to the 18/58 channel, the judgment channel in human design, which connects the root chakra to the spleen.
This is a pressure to correct what I feel is dissatisfactory.. to fix what isn't working. It shows up in a lot of different ways for me, whether it be creative direction or the first demos and albums that I put out as a musician.
The word perseverance really speaks to me. It reminds me of my days as a field hockey player in high school. I wasn’t the best player to start.. but was awarded “most improved” as I progressed. I think of Gene Key 58 at the part of us that continues to work to make things better.
I also think of times in my life, when I was not living in alignment with my higher truth... Times when I spent long periods in dissatisfaction.
Those long periods propelled me into a deeper state of bliss, in the awareness and reflection of them.
So, I think about my natural state of being, when I am in stillness, when I am deep in meditation, when I’m setting clear boundaries, and moving towards the love of life… the absolute love and dedication to the present moment.
Then I think about the choices that I've made in my life that pull me farther away from that state of being. This is when the vitality or the zest and the love of life propels me. The pressure propels me to make a change.
I also think about the fact that in human design, this gate is in a collective channel. There's something that moves me to really contemplate how I can help others propel themselves out of dissatisfaction and into bliss.
I’m always seeking to find the lesson, so that we can define the things that keep us dissatisfied, that move us to the other side of bliss.
What are you currently saying yes to that you secretly want to say no to?
What are the things in your life that are preventing you from living in complete and total joy, reveling in bliss?
What in your life, can you improve upon to bring you closer to Bliss?
There's something so beautiful about the fact that even the pain, the dissatisfaction. or the difficulty, brings us closer to the beauty in life.